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Talent Concept

Talent Concept

Inspire people with ambitious career, attract people with generous treatment, unite people with excellent culture, and create conditions to create people; stimulate employees' potential to promote healthy growth, and enhance organizational capability to promote strategic realization


Talent Strategy

SFB always uphold the "people-oriented" talent concept, and actively create an atmosphere of respect, understanding, integrity and friendship, respect for human knowledge and talent, selection and development mechanisms, to provide a platform for the growth of talent, so that talent becomes a strong support for the sustainable development of enterprises, to achieve common growth and development of enterprises and talent.


Talent Training

Education is the basis of employing talents. According to the characteristics of different categories and levels of talents, the company constantly improves and innovates the talent training mechanism, combines theoretical training with practical exercises, establishes a broad-coverage, multi-level and open talent training system, and gradually establishes a new model of talent training in line with the environment of group-type enterprises.


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AddressNo. 35 Lushan Road, High-tech Zone, Suzhou, China
Switchboard0086 512 6665 7350 


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